Angelus Reforcore Intro Kit


Angelus Reforcore Intro Kit


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Prefabricated glass fiber structure for core build-ups.



  • High mechanical strength: absorbs masticatory loads
  • Modulus of elasticity similar to dentin´s: lower risk of root fracture
  • Esthetics: universal shade, excellent transmission of light
  • Glass fiber: easy to adjust with rotatory instruments
  • Simple technique: allows the fabrication of post and core in one session
  • No corrosion: does not cause darkening of root or metallic taste
  • 30 cores 15 anteriors (5S, 5M, 5G) and 15 premolars (5S, 5M, 5G)



  • Absorbs masticatory loads
  • Lower risk of root fracture
  • Universal shade, excellent transmission of light
  • Easy to adjust with rotatory instruments
  • Allows the fabrication of post and core in one session
  • Does not cause darkening of root or metallic taste



  • Construction of prefabricated core build-up with prefabricated posts
30 cores 15 anteriors (5S. 5M. 5G) and 15 premolars (5S. 5M. 5G)


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